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Just a few testimonials I have collected from some of my customers. I will add to the list in time, but it's a start:
I've known many guitar repairman it my 50 years of playing guitar but Ian is a cut above all them. Not only is he a wizard at what he does but he is very personable and listens to what you have to say. You know right away he loves what he does! After I told Ian what I wanted done I said, "it doesn't have to be done perfectly." He looked at me seriously and said, "Yes it does!" In a nutshell shell that sums up Mr. Weston.
- Craig R.
This is my second testimonial to Mr. Weston. Unbelievably fortunate to know Ian. He has repeatedly helped me out of technical jams with efficiency and aplomb. I had been having intonation issues with a Manzer multineck due to the instrument settling in. There's a lot of tension going on on a fifty stringed instrument and Linda was out of town for an extended period of time. I went in to Ian's shop for ideas to amplify the instrument and as I was relating to him the instruments development and some of the issues Linda was going to address, he said he could take care of the intonation at the nut in short order. I gave the go and in ten minutes I was out of there. Excellent work. Consistently.
Thanks Ian. See you again soon.
I have played my 1931 Martin 0-18K for about six weeks since you completed a major restoration of this wonderful guitar and now is an appropriate time to review the results. First let me comment on the quality of your workmanship; with the exception of the Evo frets with their obvious colour difference from the previous frets, there is no evidence that the guitar was the recipient of any work and certainly not such an extensive restoration (new bridge, neck reset, new frets, and new nut and saddle). This is the highest praise I can bestow; your workmanship and attention to detail far exceeded my expectations. I have owned this guitar since 1978 and its current level of playability far exceeds any of my previous experiences with this guitar; hand fatigue is almost nonexistent and I can get to notes that were not reachable prior to this work. Previously, the guitar's intonation never approached perfection; your work resolved all past issues in this regard and the guitar has never sounded better.
Since I purchased the guitar, two other of Ottawa's supposedly great guitar technicians have worked on it; their workmanship and lack of knowledge and experience created problems that only you were able to resolve and for that I am very grateful. My previous experience had made me very cautious when choosing someone to work on my other vintage guitars (63 Gretch and a 56 Les Paul Jr.). Your work on these and the Strat you built for me gave me the confidence to bring this pre-war Martin to you and I am truly grateful for the wonderful instrument that you returned to me! Pre-war Martins are rare and uniquely constructed and Ian Weston is one of only two luthiers that I would now trust to work on such a precious instrument; of the two, Ian is the only Ottawa based luthier and the other (T. J. Thompson) resides in the U.S. and does Martin's pre-war restorations. Full documentation, complete with pictures, of Ian's restoration of this Martin can be seen on his Facebook page.
Jim G.
My sincere thanks and appreciation for the superb refinishing job you did on my one-of-a-kind Silver Street TAXI guitar. The job involved some challenges but the results exceeded my expectations.
Best regards,
Murray Jackson
Weston Instruments is a trusted and valued contributor to my playing pleasure. Owning a robust collection of acoustic and electric stringed instruments, I believe implicitly, that the services of a luthier are essential to the welfare of my stable of beauties, and Ian Weston has been that and so much more. Indeed, I think of him as a fine surgeon, an insightful psychiatrist, a sympathetic bartender, clever engineer, refined sculptor, brilliant designer … you name it … he’s a fine luthier. But most importantly I’m proud to consider him friend for over a year now and I count myself fortunate to have someone of his exacting caliber, in my corner.
D. Wayne Dunham (entertainer/guitarist for over 40 years - Ottawa)
For all you guitar players out there in the Ottawa area in need of work to be done on your instrument, definitely get in touch with Luthier Ian Weston. From repairs, alterations or setups, you won't be sorry you had him work on your baby. I have tried every luthier and guitar tech in Ottawa, and I can tell you that I have not had anywhere near the positive experience I've had with Ian (and, when it comes to my guitars, I am very picky). This guy knows his stuff, (the art and science) which is very, very rare these days!
Between me and my brother, we have brought Ian more than 15 guitars and he has made each and every one MUCH better. Do yourself a favour and contact him...
- Mark Baylin
Let’s talk about the sound of the thing. It does everything. Put it through clean, and it’s a jazz box, or a Tele, or a Strat. Beef it up a bit with a tubescreamer, and it’s a Les Paul. Hit that fuzz box, and it’s a shred machine. There just aren’t very many electric mandolins out there that are designed to be this versatile, but the Seymour Duncan Cool Rails pickup on Ian’s mandolins are the utility infielder of pickups — infield, outfield, catcher, pitcher, they’ll do it all. I’m surprised it didn’t cook me dinner after I was done playing it.
- Joe Brent, talking about the Weston 5-string mandolins
Hey Ian,
Thanks again for the work on the Tele and Strat! I can't begin to say how much I absolutely love these guitars now! You have completely transformed them and I can't believe I have been playing them the way they used to be before you worked on them.
I can play faster, and more accurately with less effort, and I my hands don't get tired anymore like before. I'm dumbfounded and absolutely blown away!
Thanks so much again! When I hear of someone needing a luthier, you're the guy! You're the best tech in Ottawa, and I've had work done by all of them at one time or another.
All the best,
Steve Koch
Just a quick note to say thanks for your excellent work on the Gretsch. I spent a good chunk of the day on it--- it plays beautifully. I thought I knew before what it sounded like---but I guess I really didn't. It now sounds like a totally different-- and much better-- instrument. Thanks again.....
- Steve
Hey Ian.
Just finished playing the Martin D42 for a couple of hours. It's definitely at it's sweetest point ever. Plays great - nice & smooth - I notice certain progressions are much easier to pull off - no fighting the guitar - frets are very, very nice. Great work!
- Mark L.
Thanks for your great job guys, my les paul plays amazing now !
- Nik
Hi Ian.
Very noticeable improvement. Plays like a dream. Great work.
- Ben
I almost cried with my Gretsch on the weekend by the way... best jam I ever had...
- Mark B.
I tried the guitar and i like it...plays way better now.
Thanks for the work on both guitars!! great job!
- Simon